We’ll sell your old telephone system! -- Think! Your old telephone system has the most value to another business in need. That’s where you will get your biggest dollars. Not from the pennies on the dollar offered by our competitors.
Provide annual refresher training to your employees and/or include telephone and voice-mail training as part of your new employee orientation.
We use professional voice-over talent to record your Voice-mail systems greetings and prompts. This ensures a pleasant and professional reception to all your callers
If you look at your current telephone chances are one or two of the buttons are mis-labeled and/or not labeled at all. Attention to details set us apart. We’ll help you keep these things updated.
Quadis is one of the few providers of voice & data network products and services who routinely tap in to our programming talents to "CREATE" for our customers.
We'll deal with the coordination of your local and long distance facilities during the installation. You have enough on your plate.
That’s right! Always have the latest version of software on your system.
That’s right! Always have the latest version of software on your system.
Purchase a new system or simply add-ons to an existing system and at the end of each year receive a rebate for a percentage of your purchases.
Service contract customers will receive an annual rebate based on a percentage of their annual service contract.
Just ask, and we'll let you know today, in writing, what we will buy any Quadis system back for after two, three or four years of use.
Our Service Contracts are already competitive when renewed on an annual basis. Our multi-year contracts are practically a no-brainer. A better value, by far.
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